To meet this ingredient manufacturer’s demand, CAPACITÉS’ ecotoxicity experts conducted screening tests for the 20 chemical substances provided by the client.
They custom-developed miniaturized tests to qualitatively assess substance biodegradability and toxicity. These quick measurements allowed substances with satisfactory ecotoxicological characters to be selected more easily prior to official tests.
Substances with toxic and/or nonbiodegradable characters could also be identified among these substances.
The industrial company thus obtained a quick response regarding the ecotoxicological character of its substances. This will allow the company to comply with current environmental criteria. Additionally, the advantage of this approach is that it is less costly than traditional quantitative analysis methods.
To successfully complete this project, the CAPACITÉS’ experts benefited from support and technical equipment from the GEPEA laboratory, joint research unit of the University of Nantes, Oniris, IMT Atlantic and CNRS (The French National Centre for Scientific Research).